Jan 30, 2021
We cover more ground in two hours this week than a Panzer division in June 1941. Dark Enlightenment rejoins the Birth Panel to talk schools, the great proletarian stock revolt, NJP, managing your kids' screen time...and of course new audience favorite Navigating the Collapse delivers as always. Also Coach sets a podcast world record by recording outdoors in 21 degree weather.
Break: 1812 Overture by Pyotr Tchaikovsky (with cannons!)
Close: One More Try by Timmy T
Hat tip to Keith Woods for his work on Gamestop
We are up on Gab and follow us on DLive for special occasion livestreams.
Navigating the Collapse segments on Bitchute
Telegram channel with ALL shows available for easy download
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And of course find expert commentary at t.me/prowhitefam and twitter.com/RadByReality and always feel free to drop us a line at fullhausshow@protonmail.com.
We love ya fam and we’ll talk to you next week. Stay strong!